About us
Sozialinfo Wien (Socialinfo Vienna)
The internet service www.sozialinfo.wien.at is maintained in terms of content and constitutes an extensive information system for all socially relevant issues. It enables an easy search for keywords, institutions or topics from the social field for the whole of Vienna or individual districts.
Affected citizens and persons active in the field of
social work can receive barrier-free contact data on social
facilities, initiatives and projects with direct links to their
Great emphasis is placed on the maintenance of the data and
user-friendliness. Please help to keep the data on
www.sozialinfo.wien.at up to date and inform us about changes you
know as quickly as possible under sozialinfo@fsw.at.
SozialRuf Wien 533 77 77
The social hotline Vienna is a telephone information and counselling service on the following subjects: nursing at home, partnership and family, livlihood and accommodation, living with disability, nursing and being nursed.
The staff understand themselves as partners in social issues and give competent information from 08.00 until 20.00h every day or specify the specialized body in Vienna.
Fonds Soziales Wien
E-Mail: sozialinfo@fsw.at