Highlights of Vienna's international activities

The City of Vienna's foreign policy is characterised by a large number of projects and cooperation with other cities and regions.

Vienna abroad

EU-Kommissarin Helena Dalli überreicht Stadtrat Hacker eine Trophäe

The City of Vienna wants to extend its worldwide network of political, economic and cultural relations by engaging in a large number of international activities.

With Austrian partners in different countries, such as embassies, cultural forums, the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research, the Austria Libraries Abroad, and, last but not least, the Eurocomm offices in Central and Eastern Europe, the City of Vienna realises numerous projects and activities.

Networks and cooperation

Group photo in front of the city hall

By taking part in many initiatives and projects, the City of Vienna strategically extends its network of political, economic and cultural relations. Cross-border cooperation and international exchange of experience are of mutual benefit to Vienna and its cooperation partners.

Development cooperation

Kinder vor dem Masibambane College in Südafrika

For many years, the City of Vienna has regarded global poverty reduction as a task to be tackled by the state and society as a whole and has contributed commitment and resources to its accomplishment.

193 UN member states have agreed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals to fight poverty and climate change. Vienna has also committed itself to contribute towards the achievement of the Goals.

EU projects

Helene Wells (OECD), Thomas Giacoletto (EU), Darius Matusevicius (OECD), Maria Eugena Heyaca (OECD), Wolfgang Edinger, Florian Hauser (EU)

Many departments and institutions of the City of Vienna participate in EU projects. In the field of urban planning special emphasis is placed on suburban areas which witness growing urbanisation. Experts implement these projects which also involve other European cities and regions.

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