July 2024 - Intercultural calendar

The calendar provides an overview of public holidays, traditional and religious holidays and international commemoration days without intending to be exhaustive.

7 July: Islamic New Year - Islam
On this day the year 1446 starts in the Islamic calendar, which dates back to the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, which is known as the hijra.
7 July: Muharrem Fast (Alevi) - Islam
Fasting in the first days of the month of Muharram is recommended for all Muslims. Many Alevi fast during the first twelve days of the month of Muharrem. They also abstain from drinking water both day and night. The main purpose of this fast among Shiite Muslims is to mourn the death of Ali's son, Huseyin, during the battle of Kerbela and the sufferings of the twelve Imams. At the same time the new Islamic year begins.
16 July: Day of Ashura - Islam
The tenth day of the month of Muharram ("Day of Ashura") is of great importance in Islam because according to the religious tradition several important events occurred on that day. (Moses crossed the sea, Noah's Ark came to rest on a mountain after the great flood, et cetera). It is commemorated by Shia Muslims as a day of mourning the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, the Third Shia Imam and grandson of Prophet Muhammad, who lost his life at the Battle of Karbala (Iraq). The Day of Ashura is also commemorated by the Alevi. The Sunni Muslims commemorate the exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt on this day. A special soup or a sweet dish (depending on the tradition) are prepared on that day and donated to commemorate the stories of the prophets. Depending on national tradition, the date can vary by one day.
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