Jürgen Czernohorszky - Executive City Councillor for Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel
E-mail: juergen.czernohorszky@wien.gv.at
As Executive City Councillor he is head of the Administrative Group - Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel. This administrative group comprises the following units of the Vienna City Administration:
- Municipal Department 2 - Personnel Services
- Municipal Department 20 - Energy Planning
- Municipal Department 22 - Environmental Protection
- Municipal Department 31 - Vienna Water
- Municipal Department 36 - Inspection of Business Establishments, Fire Prevention and Events
- Municipal Department 42 - Parks and Gardens
- Municipal Department 48 - Waste Management, Street Cleaning and Vehicle Fleet
- Municipal Department 49 - Climate, Forestry and Agriculture
- Municipal Department 54 - Procurement
- Municipal Department 58 - Water Rights
- Municipal Department 60 - Veterinary Board and Animal Protection
- Municipal Department 62 - Elections and Specific Legal Affairs
- Wien Kanal
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