Pupils 2018/2019

Schools Total Boys/Men Girls/Women
Total 239 668 122 644 117 024
Compulsory schools providing general education 109 916 58 335 51 581
Primary schools 72 459 37 534 34 925
Lower secondary schools (Hauptschulen) 78 46 32
New secondary schools 31 544 17 117 14 427
Special needs schools 3 250 2 122 1 128
Pre-vocational schools 2 585 1 516 1 069
General secondary schools (AHS) 61 986 28 744 33 242
General secondary schools (AHS) - lower level 35 162 17 021 18 141
General secondary schools (AHS) - upper level 26 824 11 723 15 101
Vocational schools for apprentices 19 807 12 380 7 427
Vocational secondary schools (BMS) 7 993 4 335 3 658
Vocational colleges (BHS) 28 201 13 634 14 567
Technical-industrial colleges 14 475 9 725 4 750
Commercial colleges 7 499 2 764 4 735
Business colleges 2 798 682 2 116
Colleges for agriculture and forestry 161 78 83
Colleges for elementary pedagogy 2 784 256 2 528
Colleges for social pedagogy 484 129 355
Other 11 765 5 216 6 549

Source: Statistics Austria.

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