Vienna is the world's smartest city

Vienna ranks first again in the 2019 Smart City Strategy Index. The study analyses 153 cities worldwide.

Children in a hammock

aspern Seestadt is a showcase project of the Smart City Vienna initiative.

The study compares smart solutions cities have developed to tackle challenges such as growing populations, traffic and transport and climate protection as well as the implementation of digital solutions for the benefit of the citizens.

Vienna already topped the ranking 2 years ago. This year, the Austrian capital is followed by London and St. Albert in Canada.

Mayor Michael Ludwig: "That Vienna gets top rankings and has such a high quality of living is not self-evident. It is certainly not a matter of course. We need to continue to work hard to develop the city of the future and introduce further knowledge-based steps."

74 out of 100 points

12 criteria and 31 sub-criteria have been analysed for the study. They include topics such as housing, infrastructure, business friendliness, education and healthcare. Vienna scored 74 out of 100 points.

Vienna's excellent ranking is due to its Smart City Strategy that results in the implementation of concrete projects.

Smart City Strategy Index:

What is so compelling about the Austrian capital's performance are its comprehensive framework strategy and innovative solutions for mobility, environment, education, healthcare, administration and a standardised monitoring system for all Smart City projects. Vienna has, for example, been implementing an advanced e-health approach and is the first German-speaking city to provide open government data.

Smart City Strategy Index: Vienna and London leading in worldwide ranking

Digital innovation as a future challenge

Progress and digital innovation are often closely linked. In Vienna, however, digital innovation is also used for the benefit of the citizens.

The Vienna City Administration provides digital services such as the Sag's Wien App (German), a community services application, or e-government services such as applying for a parking permit or for a place for your child in kindergarten online.

In addition, children and young people as well as senior citizens should avail of digital innovations. For this purpose, Vienna provides wireless internet in schools and has initiated WAALTeR (German), an assisted living project.

To stay competitive also in the future, Vienna has been expanding its digital infrastructure, for example by starting to roll out the new 5G standard for wireless internet.

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