Funding proposals for development projects - call for proposals

Once a year, the Chief Executive Office - European and International Affairs invites NGOs to submit funding proposals for development projects.

The next call for proposals will be announced early 2025.

In addition to the criteria defined in the call for proposals, applicants must meet the following quality criteria:

  1. NGO based in Vienna having experience in the field of development cooperation
  2. Project of one to three years in a country listed on the DAC list of the OECD
  3. Poverty reduction
  4. Empowerment
  5. Sustainability
  6. Gender equality
  7. Sustainable Development Goals
  8. Audited by a chartered accountant of the project country

Data protection information

Please note that the data you provide will be processed in the course of the funding application:

Data protection information in accordance with Article 13 DSGVO (German)

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Chief Executive Office - European and International Affairs
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