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Current reports on global climate change are dramatic. They show that every single one of us must contribute to climate mitigation. In fact, it is not that hard to make a difference. For example, by making the right choices when we go shopping or order goods – and by thinking beyond the price tag. After all, everything we consume has an impact on greenhouse gas emissions.

Considering this, the City of Vienna has focused on climate-friendly products and procurement in 2014.

A “Climate-Friendly Shopping” initiative launched under the auspices of Vienna Mayor Michael Häupl provides helpful information for both businesses and consumers – from recipes based on seasonal products to a green shopping guide with Fairdl, the eco-friendly shopping bag.

The Vienna City Administration sets a positive example by making green procurement choices itself.

“Ökokauf Wien”, the City of Vienna’s green procurement programme, was founded 15 years ago. To mark the anniversary, there is an expert conference and a special exhibition on the topic.

In a travelling exhibition, an art installation illustrates the findings of an impact study on Ökokauf. The study confirms the programme’s many positive effects on ecological management, economic efficiency and society as a whole. 

Thanks to Ökokauf, various measures have been implemented over the past 15 years. For example, local kindergartens, schools, hospitals, and care homes for the elderly are supplied with regional organic food, and the Vienna City Administration has introduced green procurement standards for durable and non-durable goods.

Even the EU Commission has confirmed that the ÖkoKauf programme is an example of good practice for the whole of Europe.

Together with other European cities and municipalities, Vienna successfully aims to over-fulfil EU climate mitigation targets.

Under the “Covenant of Mayors” founded by the EU Commission in 2008, Vienna has committed to reducing per-capita CO2 emissions by 21% from 1990 levels by 2020, and has pledged to provide comprehensive information to the public at large. A folder with 99 useful tips on climate friendly shopping has been produced and distributed in this context.

The “climate friendly shopping” initiative also includes workshops for businesses that are held throughout the year in cooperation with "ÖkoKauf Wien" and the EcoBusinessPlan Vienna.

Talking about the EcoBusinessPlan,

this programme provides expert advice for local businesses on how to protect the environment AND cut operating costs simultaneously. By now over 1,000 participating companies have managed to avoid over 123,000 tons of waste altogether – a rubbish heap that would be one and a half times the size of the Ernst Happel football stadium in Vienna’s Prater.

Climate friendly cooking:

The tasty side of a climate friendly lifestyle was highlighted by the "fairERleben" grocery market at Vienna City Hall. In spring, a public show-cooking event in Vienna’s 22nd district was held in a joint initiative by the local district chairman and the Vienna Hospital Association.

Vienna’s public markets are prime examples of climate friendly shopping. A vast variety of flowers, vegetables and other delicious food is on sale here. Kutschkermarkt, a small local market, even offered free samples of seasonal dishes in June.

Climate education starts at an early age: primary school kids have fun with a jigsaw puzzle that teaches them what they need to know.  

Our shopping choices are of primary importance for climate mitigation. All products and services we consume have an impact on greenhouse gas emission and thus aggravate climate change.

The “Climate-Friendly Shopping” initiative is being implemented under the Vienna Climate Protection Programme in order to reduce noxious greenhouse gas emissions.

Archiv-Video vom 04.02.2015:
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Klimafreundlich Einkaufen (Englisch)

Das klimafreundliche Einkaufen steht 2014 im Mittelpunkt der Bemühungen der Stadt etwas für den Schutz unseres Klimas beizutragen.

Länge: 5 Min. 17 Sek.
Produktionsdatum: 2014

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