Discharge from construction sites, sanitary containers, container offices, groundwater remediation, seepage water, etc. - order

German version

General information

The discharge of construction site water, wastewater from sanitary containers and container offices, groundwater remediation measures, seepage water and similar sources into the public sewer is obligatory pursuant to Art. 2 of the Sewer System and Connection Tariff Act (Kanalanlagen- und Einmündungsgebührengesetz). Any discharge that is not obligatory under Art. 2 (1) or (2) or not permanent must be approved by the City of Vienna. The City of Vienna may levy a fee for non-permanent discharge and require the installation of a metering device to determine the volume discharged.

Data protection

For information on data protection and your data protection rights as an individual please visit: Data Protection Notice (German)




The application must be made in a timely manner before the first discharge.

In the case of large businesses or residential complexes with high expected discharge volumes, the application must be made in a timely manner during the planning phase to ensure that necessary measures such as buffering, seepage, etc. can be planned in time. This also allows us to provide advice on backflow prevention and to coordinate the points of discharge (if more than one sewer is to be used).


Wien Kanal (German)
1230 Vienna, Großmarktstraße 5
Phone: +43 1 4000-8030
E-mail: post@wkn.wien.gv.at

Documents required

Developers, construction companies, businesses and other dischargers must file an application with Wien Kanal. The type and location of the planned installation must be described or depicted. The application must include a drawing of the general plan and a calculation of the planned discharge volume. In the case of groundwater remediation or other contaminated waters, an additional description (contaminants etc.) must be added taking into account the Effluent Limits Ordinance (Kanalgrenzwertverordnung).


Discharges are generally subject to fees. However, in case of small-scale discharges there may be an exemption from the current sewer fee Kanalgebührenordnung 1988 (German). Wien Kanal will examine your application and inform you about any requirements if applicable.

Further information: Special terms and conditions of Wien Kanal for discharge (SGB-E): 316 KB PDF (German)

For any questions regarding payment, please contact the competent accounting department (Buchhaltungsabteilung 40) (German) of Municipal Department 6 - Accounting Services, Duties and Charges.


Discharge only Application in writing, no form required. The application must contain essential information such as the amount, time and place of discharge. If needed, you can use the back of the form for a house sewer connection.

Discharge and notification of a house sewer The second page of the application for a house sewer connection is intended for all discharges occurring in the course of the construction or modification of a sewer installation. Additional calculations and plans must be enclosed.

Further information

You must inform the sewer authority of planned discharge in writing of your own accord prior to its start.

Wastewater may not be discharged without the sewer authority’s permission. Generally, the discharge of rainwater and other surface water as well as construction water should be minimised. In the interest of environmental protection, other measures, such as seepage, evaporation (micro climate), temporary retention, roof greening, etc. should be promoted.

Wien Kanal reserves the right to limit the volume or delay the discharge depending on the level of capacity of individual sewers. Special terms and conditions of Wien Kanal for a house sewer connection (SGB-HKA): 860 KB PDF (German)

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Contact for this page:
City of Vienna | Vienna Waste Water Management
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