Prepaid parking vouchers - parking fees

If you stop or park a car in a chargeable short-term parking zone, you are required to pay a parking fee. One option of paying this parking fee is by filling in a prepaid parking voucher when parking your motor vehicle in the parking zone. If you park your car for up to 15 minutes only, you do not have to pay a parking fee, but still have to fill in a free of charge parking voucher (15 minute parking voucher).
Rates for parking
Colour of parking voucher | Parking time | Rate valid until 31 December 2024 (Euro) | Rate valid from 1 January 2025 (Euro) |
Purple | 15 minutes | free of charge | free of charge |
Red | 30 minutes | 1.25 | 1.30 |
Blue | 1 hour | 2.50 | 2.60 |
Green | 1.5 hours | 3.75 | 3.90 |
Yellow | 2 hours | 5 | 5.20 |
New parking tickets with rates valid from 1 January 2025 will be available at the parking ticket sales points in good time.
Old parking tickets with a rate of 1.25 Euro per half hour cannot be exchanged or returned. From 1 July 2025, only the parking tickets currently available at the sales points with the rate of 1.30 Euro per half hour will be valid.
Parking vouchers cannot be returned or exchanged any more.
Where to buy parking voucher
Prepaid parking vouchers (30 minutes, one hour, 1.5 hours and two hours) for chargeable short-term parking zones may be purchased at:
- tobacconists
- all ticket offices and
- ticket machines at all Vienna public transport underground stations
- automobile clubs ARBÖ and ÖAMTC
- some petrol/gas stations
- cigarette vending machines
- city's cashier's offices
- post branches
Free-of charge parking vouchers (15 minutes vouchers) are also available at the City Information and the Citizens' Service (Stadtservice Wien).
City map - Parking vouchers sold here
Where to place the parking voucher
Parking vouchers for cars must be placed behind the windscreen or, where no windscreen is available, in another equally suitable place so that they can be seen very easily. On-street parking supervisors may issue parking tickets for vouchers that are not clearly visible.
How to fill in the parking voucher
- The parking voucher must be clearly and permanently marked (ballpoint pen where possible) by cancelling the
- month
- day
- hour
- minute and
- entering the year in the appropriate field.
- You may round off 15 minute periods, for example:
- Time of arrival: 10.06 am
fill in: hour 10 and minute 15 - Time of arrival: 4.49 pm
fill in: hour 17 (5 pm) and minute 0
- Time of arrival: 10.06 am
- You also have to fill in a parking voucher for the last 15 minutes of short-term parking hours.
- You must not correct or use incorrectly filled-in parking vouchers again, but have to throw them away.
- If you are using more than one parking voucher at the same time, you have to fill in the time of your arrival on each of them, for example:
- You want to park your motor vehicle in a short-term parking zone for one hour from 9.15 am to 10.15 am you are using red parking vouchers for 30 minutes each.
- Correct: you must mark the same time of arrival on each one of them: 9.15 am.
- Incorrect: you mark 9.15 am on the first voucher and 9.45 am on the second.
- minute and
- entering the year in the appropriate field.
- If you are using purple 15 minute parking vouchers, you have to fill in the hour and minutes of the time of your arrival clearly and permanently. Single digit times must be preceded by 0 (zero). You are not allowed to
- use more than one 15 minute parking voucher at the same time,
- use 15 minute parking vouchers in combination with red, blue, green, or yellow parking vouchers. Edition
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