Searching the pages – Help

To search for press photos, please use image search (german)

Search rules

  • Your search term can consist of several words, provided they are separated by at least one blank space.
  • While you are entering a term, recent search terms with similar wording will be displayed (autocomplete).
  • If the spell checker recognises a possible spelling mistake, the term will be suggested to you in correct spelling (“did you mean:”)
  • Searching the pages will produce exact matches only, i.e. it will not show partial matches, and truncated search terms will not produce any results. For example, there will be no results for a search term like "gove”. Instead, you need to enter a complete search term, such as “government” or “governor”.
    • You can use the wildcard character * (asterisk) to find all words beginning with the characters preceding the wildcard. The wildcard * can replace one or more characters, but the first character of a search term cannot be a wildcard. e.g. "counc*" will find all results containing the words "council" or "councillor" and "data*" will find "database" and "data".
  • The search software makes no difference between uppercase and lowercase letters, i.e. you will get the same results regardless of whether your search term contains capital letters or not.


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