EU job portal for refugee scientists

The EU has launched a new website to support EU refugees and asylum seekers holding university degrees in applying for research positions in the 28 Member States of the European Union.

A young woman in a white work coat is standing in front of a computer and technical equipment in a laboratory

Called Science4Refugees, the new initiative of the European Commission in Brussels is specifically aimed at qualified scientists among the refugees in Europe. This online platform allows them to find out about job opportunities commensurate with their qualifications and professional experience, to submit short CVs and publication lists and to request application forms.


The new EU online portal Science4Refugees is part of Euraxess, a pan-European platform for "Researchers in Motion" in which 40 European countries are currently participating with more than 500 Euraxess Service Centres. Here, professionals offer personalised assistance to researchers and their families in matters such as moving house, finding accommodation, obtaining visas and work permits, language courses, schools for their children or social insurance issues. Euraxess offers this service free of charge and recently unveiled its special platform for researchers enjoying refugee status, Science4Refugees.

Researchers are welcome

Basically, this system works just like any other job portal. Refugees with university degrees can sign up online, post their CVs and thus draw attention to what they have to offer. Research institutions may register as "refugee-friendly" on the Euraxess entrance portal, which then awards them a special symbol, the Science4Refugees flag. They are listed as "refugee-welcoming organisations" to highlight the fact that they have specific vacancies available to refugee scientists.

Scientific match-making

As Brussels is keen to stress, Science4Refugees on Euraxess is only an online contact exchange bringing together registered research institutions and refugees with university degrees and does not actually give people jobs. The initial online registration does not constitute a formal job application or guarantee concrete job opportunities. Like all other scientists, researchers with refugee status have to submit job applications. As the national laws of the 28 EU Member States take precedence, different legal provisions may be applicable. In general, all job applicants are treated equally and based on merit and qualifications. It is up to the academic institutions publishing vacancies to verify whether the applicants meet the necessary requirements for the job openings and are fit for employment. According to the European Commission, more than 500,000 refugees have come to the Union since the beginning of 2015. Besides meeting their most urgent needs such as food, accommodation and medical care, it is also vital to improve their long-term prospects in Europe. The aim of the platform Science4Refugees on Euraxess is to integrate refugees with academic qualifications as quickly and comprehensively as possible in the European Union.

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