2. My new self

2.1 Be open about menopause

Menopause is not talked about widely in our society. In fact, it is still a taboo topic. When women start to be open about their menopause and talk about their experiences and changes, menopause can become a normal stage in life nobody needs to be ashamed of.

The human body changes over the course of its entire life and not only during the menopause years. Adopting a positive attitude to menopause helps you feel happier and enjoy life. By staying positive, this period of transition can become an opportunity to begin something new and beautiful. Because beauty comes from inside. It is not without wrinkles, but it smiles.

Maybe the past years have given you a strengthened self-esteem and new experiences. Take that with you into your new stage of life: Perhaps you are successful and thrive in your professional life. Perhaps you are experiencing a phase of reorientation, change jobs or start further training. Perhaps you have children to look after or your grown-up children have moved out and you are still learning to cope with the situation. Or maybe you have to care for your parents or parents-in-law.

Menopause often coincides with big changes in your professional and private life. But no matter what your specific situation looks like and what challenges you may encounter: staying curious and building on your knowledge and experience will make you enjoy many exciting years ahead. Such a prospect is worth looking forward to. Take as much time as possible for yourself and your needs, regardless of any challenges you face.