3. Time to care for yourself

3.6 Physical activity and exercise

Being active and doing exercise is fun. Strength training and muscle-building exercises help relieve menopause symptoms. Your bones will stay healthy for a longer time when you do sports regularly. Your health and your sense of balance will improve. Being physically active can also prevent pain and diseases.

Here are some strength exercises which you can do at home

You can easily do these exercises at home. You do not need any equipment. Aim for 2 or 3 sets of each exercise. Try to do the exercises regularly 2 or 3 days a week.


  • Always start with warming up to prevent injuries.
    For example: Run in place, start slowly and then get a little faster. Do this for about 3 minutes. Another exercise that gets you moving is rope skipping. Then do 20 jumping jacks and 20 twist jumps, because jump exercises are especially important for your bones.

  • If you feel pain during an exercise, stop the exercise. Remember, this is not about achievement, it is about enjoying yourself being active.

  • During the exercises, breathe into your belly and breathe out fully. Your belly rises when breathing in and falls when breathing out. We often forget to breathe when we work out hard and are focused on an exercise. Breathing helps you do the exercises.

  • Depending on the exercise, make sure that your legs, arms or back have good contact with the floor.

  • Start each exercise slowly and accurately. Once you feel confident doing the exercise you can do it at a faster pace. But even when you bring up your pace, make sure to do the exercise correctly. This will help you prevent injuries.

Jumping jacks

Illustration of a woman doing jumping jacks

Start by standing on the floor with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart. Stand straight. Your arms are by your sides. Breathe in. Jump up, spread your legs out and bring both arms together above your head. Breathe out when jumping. Then jump your feet together again and lower your arms back down to your sides.

Aim for 20 repetitions.

Twist jumps

Illustration of a woman doing twist jumps

Stand on the floor with your feet together. Bend your knees slightly. Jump up and at the same time twist your lower body to the right and then to the left. Keep your arms and upper body straight forward. The rotation only comes from the hip. Do not forget to breathe.

Aim for 20 repetitions.


Illustration of a woman doing squats

Stand on the floor with your feet hip-width apart. Your toes should be pointing slightly outward. Imagine that you are going to sit down on a chair behind you. Stretch out your arms in front of you. As you come up to standing, straighten your legs and squeeze your buttocks. Inhale on the way up and exhale on the way down.

Aim for 15 repetitions.


Illustration of a woman doing lunges

Stand on the floor with your feet hip-width apart. Put your hands on your hips. Breathe in. Bring your right foot forward as if you would take a big step. Breathe out. At the same time bend your legs and lower your hip until your left knee nearly touches the ground. Then push yourself up to a standing position and bring the legs back together. Make sure to keep your upper body straight. Repeat with the other leg and continue alternating legs until the set is finished.

Aim for 30 repetitions with each leg.

Knee push-ups

Illustration of a woman doing knee push-ups

Lie down on the floor. Place your hands close to your body under your shoulders. Your lower body rests on your knees. Draw your feet towards your buttocks. Tighten your core. Now bend and extend your arms. Your body forms a straight line from your head to your knees. Keep your head straight up and not sunk between your shoulders. Exhale on the way down and inhale on the way up.

Aim for 15 repetitions.


Illustration of a woman doing rowing exercises

For this exercise, you can either use a resistance band (an elastic rubber fitness band) or use a towel. Sit on the floor with your legs extended and slightly bent in the knee. Place the band or towel around the soles of your feet. It should be taut, but not stretched. Keep your upper body straight. Your elbows should be close to your body. Your arms should be extended. Breathe in. Now pull your arms back towards your waist. Breathe out as you do so and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Then you extend the arms in front of you to the starting position.

Aim for 15 repetitions.


Illustration of a woman doing a plank

Lie on your stomach and prop yourself on your forearms, with your elbows directly under your shoulders. Your thumbs are pointing towards each other. Squeeze your abdomen and buttocks. Maintain a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Keep this position for 30 seconds. Inhale and exhale deeply throughout the exercise.

Beginners should keep the position for 30 seconds and increase the duration gradually. Advanced exercisers should keep the position for 60 seconds.

Scissor kicks

Illustration of a woman doing scissor kicks

Lie on your back with your head on the floor and your arms down by your side. Lift your legs in the air until they reach an angle of about 30° off the floor. Keep your legs in the air. Then scissor your legs. Lower your right leg down towards the ground and at the same time lift your left leg up. Then switch, bringing your left leg down and your right leg up. Do not forget to breathe. Note: Make sure to keep your lower back flat against the floor. To make the exercise easier you can put your hands beneath your buttocks. Engage your abdomen. The movement comes from your abs, not from your back.

Aim for 20 repetitions.

Relaxation or cool down

After your workout, you should do some easy exercises to cool down. Your muscles can relax and they will be supplied with a higher amount of oxygen.

Jog in place for 3 minutes and shake out your arms as you do so. Inhale and exhale deeply. Then lie down on the floor. Find a comfortable position, with your body resting firmly on the floor. Keep this position for 5 minutes and close your eyes.

Great work! You did it!