3. Time to care for yourself

3.3 Enjoying sexuality and intimacy

The ability to feel love and sexual desire stays with us throughout life. Experiencing sexual and erotic pleasure is not only important when we are young. Our sexuality changes in the course of a lifetime. By the time women reach their menopause they have gained a lot of experience in life and therefore know better what they want and like. Thus, sex can become a new and extremely sensual experience during and after the menopause.

Good sex depends on a positive attitude towards your own body and your own needs. There are many ways to strengthen your body, for example through exercise, sports, relaxation, a positive attitude towards life, food, and also through medical care. And all of this improves your mental wellbeing too. Enjoying your sexuality, no matter whether alone or with others, is good for your health. Sexual arousal improves blood circulation in general and particularly in the genital area.

Sexuality thrives on togetherness

Make sure that you have enough time for each other. For example, try to give each other loving touches and hugs every day, have meaningful conversations and do activities together. Going on trips and holidays together also gives you more time for sexual encounters as a couple. Contraception should be continued until menopause.

Adapting to changes

Hormonal changes during menopause can also bring about physical and mental changes, such as a low sex drive, reduced arousal, difficulty achieving orgasm, vaginal dryness and pain during sexual intercourse. Discuss these issues with your gynaecologist. There are many remedies and options to help alleviate these symptoms, like medicines, creams or sex toys.

Practical tips to relieve vaginal dryness:

  • Flaxseed stimulates mucus production.

Flaxseed regimen: Mix one teaspoon of cracked flaxseed into your yogurt or muesli. Drink plenty of water with it.

  • Only wash your vulva with warm water. Do not use soap or shower gel, as they will only cause your vulvar skin to get drier.