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Vienna is a vibrant city full of opportunity.

Cities like Vienna create prosperity, offer economic prospects and manage natural resources in a highly efficient manner.

However, cities are also responsible for three quarters of all current energy consumption and eighty per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions, bringing global warming to a boil.

The world is urbanising, and by 2050 two-thirds of all people will live in cities, giving cities a special responsibility to ensure that future needs can be met.

Vienna is preparing to meet its own growth as a SMART CITY.

To maintain the city’s high quality of life, we must radically preserve natural resources by seeking both social and technological innovations for the city, from within the city.

Smart City WIEN means: Putting the focus on people.

Recognising interconnectedness, listening to each other and working together.

considering the needs of today, tomorrow, and future generations.

In a smart city: Citizens collaborate to harness more solar energy, combine environmentally friendly modes of transport and reduce energy use at home and at work.

Smart ideas demand education for everybody as a foundation for shared prosperity.

A smart city sustains a high quality of life by protecting green areas and by remaining a city that is open, inclusive, and cooperative.

Vienna needs you, me, all of us together in order to become a truly “Smart City”, a city that meets its responsibility to the world at large while becoming fit for the future and making a good life possible for everyone.

Archiv-Video vom 05.12.2019:
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Smart City - Erklärvideo English

Smart City Wien is a long-term initiative by the City of Vienna to consistently and continuously modernize the city in order to reduce energy consumption and emissions significantly without having to forego any aspects of consumption or mobility. Smart City Wien stands for the “intelligent city”, intelligent and innovative solutions, responsible and sustainable use of resources.

Länge: 1 Min. 49 Sek.
Produktionsdatum: 2018
Copyright: Stadt Wien - Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung

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