Ukrainian initiatives in Vienna

Professional Integration Hub

The Professional Integration Hub is aimed at Ukrainian women who had to flee their home country. The project was initiated and is financed by the ERSTE Foundation. Its aim is to enable women to enter the Austrian labour market through learning, study visits and internships in three-month modules. Participating institutions include ministries, cultural institutions, businesses and the organisation WIENXTRA. The participants had the opportunity to get to know the youth work of the City of Vienna.

The European Centre for Freedom and Independence (EUCFI)

Even before the war, the Ukrainian association had organised more than 20 excursions to departments and institutions of the City of Vienna. After the 2022 invasion, Ukrainians living in Vienna founded the "EUCFI" project to enable excursions with a focus on democracy, human rights, equality and civil society, utilizing as far as possible the participants' workplaces in different fields like administration and schools.


Group photo in front of the city hall

The cooperation with the City of Vienna also led to new projects, such as an Erasmus+ project for displaced young Ukrainians. 36 youth workers and representatives of governmental institutions attended a one-week training course in Vienna. The organisers included Ukrainian ministries. The Austrian National Agency (OeAD), partner of the City of Vienna, generously funded the project.

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