Kyrgyz delegation visits integrative education campus in Vienna
A delegation from Kyrgyzstan paid a visit to a modern integrative education campus on 29 October, focusing on the project's energy concept and the legal basis of its construction.
Representatives of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy accompanied an expert delegation from the Kyrgyz Republic on its study visit to the Anna & Alfred Wödl Education Campus opened in September 2022.
The group included the Kyrgyz Deputy Minister of Finance, the First Deputy Minister of Health, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science, an expert from the Foreign Policy Department, a representative of the Kyrgyz Embassy in Vienna and an interpreter. Michael Habitzl, Head of the PPP Competence Centre of the Vienna City Administration's Department for Building and Facility Management (MA 34), gave the experts a tour of the campus.
The delegation was particularly interested in the energy concept implemented on the site, and in the detailed legal background of the construction project.
The campus combines education institutions for several different age groups, including kindergarten groups, school classes and jointly used areas for sports, creative education and therapy. As a special feature, the campus was planned to cater for the special needs of hearing impaired children, allowing for mixed groups and classes where children with and without hearing impairments can learn and play side by side.
Technical features of the education campus
Energy concept
- 90 geothermal probes of about 110 metres
- Photovoltaics system of 2,000 square metres with an output of about 166 kWp
- Thermal component activation (TCA) by geothermal probes for heating in winter and cooling in summer; the heat pumps are primarily powered by the photovoltaics system.
Special features for hearing impaired children
- Induction loops
- Inductive hearing aid systems
- Various acoustic measures on walls and ceilings
- Audiometric room
- Dry-meadow biotope for various animals (about 75 square metres)
- Loamy soil area for common house martins (nesting material)
- About 14 nest boxes
- Crude soils (fine-grained low-vegetation crude soil substrate) on the green roof, for blue-winged locusts
Further information
Chief Executive Office - European and International Affairs
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