Podcast brings history of Vienna to British students
In their podcast series "Hidden Vienna", Simone Schedl and Jascha Novak portray historical Viennese professions that no longer exist. Their two workshops in the UK were part of the OeAD lectureship programme.

The "idden Vienna" podcasts combine entertainment with insights into the history of Vienna, allowing German language students to learn more about the city.
Workshops in Scotland and England
In autumn, the two podcasters held workshops at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) and University College London (England) as part of the lectureship programme of the OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation. The workshops focused on the practical aspects of podcasting, from the right technical equipment to interviewing techniques. Students used their new skills to draw up a time traveller's dialogue, sending a fictitious person back in time to interview a member of the traditional barber-surgeon profession that was common in old Vienna.
The OeAD lectureship programme
The two British universities are particularly important locations for the OeAD, given that many students of German as a foreign language tend to concentrate on Germany rather than Austria. In this context, the podcasting workshops also played a significant role.
The OeAD lectureship programme is a mobility programme for teaching the Austrian-German language, Austrian literature and Austrian studies at universities abroad. The programme helps lecturers build long-lasting connections between Austria and the host country, and is therefore a great way to share Austrian culture and science at higher education level in other countries. Lecturers also organise various activities and events. The OeAD lectureship programme currently has around 90 locations in 30 countries, across 16 time zones and 4 continents. The OeAD lectureships are also partners in the City of Vienna's international activities.
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