A Christmas tree for the UNO City from the City of Vienna

As a cherished tradition, the employees of the United Nations received a four-metre-high Christmas tree from the City of Vienna. It was set up in the rotunda, the centrepiece of the Vienna International Centre (VIC), also known as UNO-City.

Ernst Woller, President of the Vienna Provincial Parliament, addressed the UN employees present, as did UNIS Director Martin Nesirky and Ambassador Gabriela Sellner, from the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations in Vienna.

"We look with great concern at the war zones in Europe and around the world. Peace negotiations are the order of the day. Vienna has always been the ideal place to promote international dialogue on neutral ground. And this place is therefore the perfect setting for the Christmas tree as a symbol of Christmas, the celebration of peace, love and togetherness", said Woller. He also thanked the children present for their trust in handing over their wishes to him and promised to take the contents of their letters seriously.

Children take centre stage

As every year, the children from the neighbourhood made the special tree decorations. The 1,000 lovingly designed stars represent peace and solidarity. For the second time, around 100 selected letters with messages from children were also presented, which were created as part of a city-wide campaign by learning communities. The aim is to draw attention to Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the right of children to be heard and to participate.

Afterwards, the children of the UNO City kindergarten delighted the audience with songs and a dance of lights. Before the Christmas tree was lit, the letters were ceremoniously handed over by children to Ambassador Sellner and President of the Vienna Provincial Parliament Woller, and attached to acrylic baubles on the Christmas tree.

The event was once again organised by the Vienna Service Office of the City of Vienna in the UNO City. It offers staff of the UN organisations and their families quick and individual assistance with daily life questions and provides information free of charge.

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