Energy - key task of the Vienna Ombuds Office for Environmental Protection

In the field of energy policy, the Ombuds Office concentrates on finding ecologically compatible ways of meeting the existing energy demand. At the same time, it supports initiatives and measures to cut energy consumption. The most sensible solution consists in saving energy and reducing the demand for this limited resource in the first place.

Most of the energy provided today is produced from fossil fuels such as petrol, natural gas, coal and - to a small part - from nuclear materials (uranium). These energy sources are increasingly destroying the very basis of our life (climate change, marine pollution,) while nuclear power generation and nuclear waste present a permanent threat. Therefore the Ombuds Office provides regular information on measures every single person can take to "phase out nuclear energy" in their individual life. Another key task consists in emphasising the many benefits of renewable energies. Wind power, biomass, solar energy and (small-scale) water power allow us to produce enough energy for everyone on Earth while reducing the ecological burden on the planet. The Ombuds Office launches special initiatives to promote the use of solar energy among the local population. The Viennese appreciate being provided with helpful checklists on building and operating thermal solar systems or grid-connected photovoltaic plants, as well as on how to obtain public subsidies for these projects.

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