Demographic information 2017

Demographic information Total Men Women
Population * 1.867.582 909,124 958,458
Foreign citizens * 534,532 273.950 260.582
Residents with migration background * 734.709 362.790 371.919
Natural change 4.773 3.212 1.561
Live births 20.804 10.638 10.166
Deaths 16.031 7.426 8.605
Net migration 22.277 12.627 9.650
Inflows 104.906 58.188 46.718
Outflows 82.629 45.561 37.068
Naturalisation 3.055 1.381 1.674
Persons born in Austria 1,014 492 522
Persons born abroad 2,041 889 1,152
Life expectancy at birth 80.72 78.32 82.88
Life expectancy at the age of 60 years 23.51 21.61 25.08

Source: Statistics Austria, calculation: Municipal Department 23.

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